9th February
Evensong for Racial Justice Sunday St Patrick’s Cathedral

On Sunday February 9 at 3.15pm, the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Revd John McDowell and members of his Reference Group on Ethnic Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Justice invite you to join them for Choral Evensong in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin to mark Racial Justice Sunday.
Racial Justice Sunday is an initiative of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, of which the Church of Ireland is a co–founding member. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday, which was established by the Methodist Church in 1995 following the tragic racist murder of Black teenager Stephen Lawrence in southeast London in April 1993.
The theme of this year’s Racial Justice Sunday is, ‘Coat of Many Colours’, reflecting the increasing diversity that exists in churches in Ireland.
In 2023, the governing body of the Church of Ireland, the General Synod, approved a resolution in support of refugees and other migrants. The resolution committed the Church of Ireland to, “counter the language of anti–refugee and migrant hatred at the local level and communicate a strong message of Christian welcome to all”.
By marking Racial Justice Sunday in the national cathedral of the Church of Ireland, it is hoped that other parishes and churches throughout the island will draw on the resources produced by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, to address racism in local communities.
The service in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin will feature a sermon by the Revd Kevin Ronné, Rector of Raheny and Coolock, with Scripture readings and prayers led by members of the group. Music will be provided by the Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Stuart Nicholson.
The service resources have been devised by a range of ecumenical contributors, including the Revd Dr Maithrie White–Dundas, an ordained Church of Ireland minister based in Belfast.
A film will also be recorded in the cathedral before and after the service, to mark the Church of Ireland’s commitment to racial justice.
All are welcome to join in prayer and reflection, both online and in person.
View online: Choral Evensong to observe Racial Justice Sunday